Thursday, May 28, 2020

Nutrition is Key During This COVID crisis

Eat  a balance Diet
Boost Your Immunity
Stay active
And follow the MOH/WHO guidelines

Stay Healthy-Stay Safe

Disturbed Citizens-The COVID menace

The Day they announced that Corona was finally in my Country fear was immediately elicited among my country men and women. Millions of Kenyans had never heard the word, Corona nor Pandemic before. 13th March 2020 will remain a day to remember for many. Worse was a few days later when the President broke the news that the schools shall remain closed until further notice. I remember that day I was on my way to the upcountry for a family function. People panicked the more, some confused wondering why on earth would the president close the school because of a “mere” illness that had affected one person. I would hear parents vexing bearing in mind it was just a few weeks when the schools had reopened for a second term and they had used their hard earned money to pay school fees.
There was confusion all around ,the experts having little knowledge of how to handle the new menace.The Daily update by the ministry of health created more fear both to the experts,the government and its citizenry. Indeed it was a menace that had hit the entire world. Many started following up the news keenly, a few had known about the said Pandemic from the international news and had known the extent it had affected some countries like China, Italy and the US.

In a few weeks our normal life was changed, curfew and social distancing was enforced by the government and other agencies, indeed a NEW NORMAL began. We remained glued to the screens to Watch updates from the Health CS Mutahi Kagwe and team, now known by many as “Mtu wa Corona his tone of voice made people tremble when he gave us the news in the first 30 days.
 It’s Now 76 days  and counting with over  1000 Plus COVID infected people and 50+ death reported in Kenya so far . Most Kenyans are hopeful that this pandemic will come to end. A fraction still don’t believe corona is real but one thing for sure everyone has felt it’s effect,Business have been affected, jobs have been lost, meetings,weddings,political and many other events have been postponed. It’s not business as usual
With every day counting the panic subsides, but people are still worried and confused not knowing what tomorrow brings, All everyone hope for is that they will wake up to find corona has gotten a cure or has left the world. There is much worry that this menace would be Endemic as some experts says.

For now all we can do is to adhere to the experts guidelines of; Hand washing, Sanitizing, Social distancing and wearing mask when in public.

As Kenyans we shall remain hopeful & united, help each other during this period by being our Own brothers keepers as we know best.

Stay Safe

Kagumba Boniface