The major worry for many Kenyans about the malls is perhaps the fear of terrorism attack bearing in mind of the tragic west-gate terror.As a dietitian who is health conscious when I think about the malls I look at the continued massive introduction of fast food restaurants.
This gives me worry in that if people will be flocking in these malls to feast on various fast food places chances are the trend for disease progression will be sky rocketing day in day out.Obesity will be the main thing and to see an Obese person in the street will not be of much shock since most people in the urban centers will be in that category.If not Obese-Overweight, CVDs, diabetes among other noncommunicable diseases
Its true the malls come with a lot of other goodies,fun places,One stop shopping for your home appliances,medicine,cosmetics,banks,among others but when it come to feasting.Healthy choices will always be the best guide.
Let be a wake up call to you!!
Have A healthy choice.
Your Dietitian of Choice!
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